Abstract Submission Guidance & Details

The scientific committee welcomes the submission of scientific abstracts.

Extended Abstract Submission Deadline

15 FEBRUARY 2020

Abstract Results Announcement

15 APRIL 2020

Deadline Of Successful Abstract Submitters To Enjoy Early Bird Rate

15TH MAY 2020

The scientific committee welcomes the submission of scientific abstracts. Authors are invited to submit abstracts in the following areas of interest:

  • Abdomen Imaging
  • Breast Imaging
  • Chest Imaging
  • Cardiac Imaging
  • Emergency
  • Forensics
  • Head & Neck Imaging
  • Informatics
  • Molecular Imaging / Nuclear Medicine
  • Medical Physics
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Neuroradiology
  • Paediatrics Radiology
  • Stroke Intervention

All abstracts are to be submitted online. Final forms of presentation can be in any of the following format:-

Oral presentation
Live E-poster presentation
E-poster presentation

There is no limit to the number of abstracts you may submit, but you may not submit on the same study / data set to be presented in more than one format. All abstracts are to be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The committee reserves the right to decide on the final form of presentation. The presenting author of successful abstracts must complete his/her registration for the conference as a delegate before the 15th May 2020 and present his/her work during the Congress.


  1. Abstract must be submitted in English.
  2. Please specify the abstract title.
  3. The title must be in capital letters and is limited to a maximum of 640 characters.
  4. Please provide the details of the co-authors (names, affiliations). Ensure that all author information is included and entered correctly.
  5. Please provide the abstract body text. The abstract body is limited to a maximum of 250 words which is approximately 1600 characters.
  6. The body must be divided into each section related to types of abstracts according to the table below.
  7. The Objective and Conclusion need to be consistent with those in the main text and should use the same wording. The Results should present the main outcomes of the study using specific numerical data (e.g., absolute numbers and/or rates) with appropriate indicators of statistical uncertainty, such as 95% confidence intervals or p values. P values should never be presented alone without the actual data that are being compared. Do not use reference citations in the abstract. Abbreviations should be minimized and, if used, must be defined within the abstract by full terminology followed by abbreviation in parenthesis.
  1. For medical terms such as proper nouns, generic names of medicines, and units of measurement, use the original term. The use of acronyms and abbreviations is discouraged and should be kept to a minimum. When used, they are to be defined where first used, followed by the acronym or abbreviation in parentheses. Measurements and laboratory values should be in accordance with the International System of Units (SI).
  2. Ensure correct use of the terms sex (when reporting biological factors) and gender (identity, psychosocial or cultural factors), and, unless inappropriate, report the sex or gender of study participants, the sex of animals or cells, and describe the methods used to determine sex or gender. If the study was done involving an exclusive population, for example in only one sex, authors should justify why, except in obvious cases (e.g., prostate cancer). Authors should define how they determined race or ethnicity and justify their relevance.
  3. The names and locations (city and state or country) of manufacturers of equipment and non-generic drugs should be given.
  4. Ensure that all changes, corrections and proofreading have been carried out before submission.

Format of content to follow :-

Studies / Research Case Report Education Exhibit
Objective Introduction Learning Objective
Materials & Methods Not Applicable Background
Results Report Findings and/or Procedure Details
Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion


  • Review of abstracts will take 4 to 6 weeks from the abstract submission deadline.
  • All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The Committee reserves the right to select the abstracts and assign the sessions and final format of presentation. The decision of the Committee is final.
  • Results will be announced via email.
  • All accepted abstract presenting authors MUST complete his/her registration for the conference as a delegate before the 15th May 2020 and present his/her work during the conference.
  • The following is the final format of presentation.
Oral Presentation
  • Strictly 5 minutes presentation followed by 2 minutes Q&A.;
  • After 3 minutes, there will be a warning bell to indicate that there are 2 minutes left.
  • After this, there will be a final bell and if the presenter is still presenting, the presentation will automatically be switched off.
  • All Free Paper Oral Presenters are encouraged to keep to the timing.
Live E-Poster Presentation
  • To submit E Posters before the 15th June 2020.
  • E-Poster Format : Width 14 inches x Height 25 inches. Saved as pdf.
  • Maximum File Size : 1MB
  • Please name your E Poster in the following format :-[Abstract ID][Presenting Author’s Name]
  • Live Posters will be assigned presentation sessions which will be chaired by invited chairmen and included in the scientific programme.
  • Each Live Poster presentation is 3 minutes presentation followed by 2 minutes Q&A.;
  • Live Poster presenters must be present to present their Live Posters.
E-Poster Presentation
  • To submit E Posters before the 15th June 2020.
  • E-Poster Format : Width 14 inches x Height 25 inches. Saved as pdf.
  • Maximum File Size : 1MB


The organisers of this event and AOSR take no responsibility for any published abstracts submitted. Any issues or errors arising from the abstracts are solely the responsibility of the authors.

By submitting his/her/their work, the Author(s) consent to the publication of the abstracts in Korean Journal of Radiology (KJR) and transfer and assign to the Congress and AOSR the rights to edit, publish, reproduce, distribute copies and to prepare derivative works such as press releases. Author(s) represent and warrants that he/she/they is/are sole author(s) of the work and that all authors have participated in and agree with the content and conclusions of the work; and that the work is original and does not infringe upon any copyright, proprietary or personal right of any third party. If the work is not original, the Author(s) should reference the original source and ensure all relevant permission and/or authorisation to re-use has been obtained.

If you have any questions, please send us an email to or chat with us on Zendesk.